Picture this: You’re a mom doing your best to help another mom in need, driving her daughter to and from school every day. But when your car breaks down and you desperately need her help just once, she leaves you high and dry. You’re pregnant, injured, and now forced to walk to pick up the kids. How would you feel? This is the story of a mom who’s been helping out a struggling single mom, only to feel used and betrayed when she needed help herself. But is she the bad guy for putting her foot down? Let’s dive into the story…
??♀? The Secret Account and the Friendship

The School Transportation Dilemma

The Original Plan

The Change in Routine

The Needy Messages

The Wild Asks

The Broken Phone Return

The Pregnancy and Injury

The Dangerous Walk

The Car Breakdown

The Desperate Call

?♀? The Painful Walk

The Rescue

The Betrayal

The Argument

The Fading Friendship

The Dilemma

Carpool Chaos: Mom Feels Used and Betrayed
Our protagonist has been helping out Bee, a struggling single mom, by driving her daughter Dee to and from school every day. However, when her car breaks down, she’s left stranded and in need of help. She calls Bee, hoping for a favor, but Bee coldly tells her to ‘figure it out.’ Left with no choice, our pregnant and injured mom painfully walks to pick up the kids. To her shock, she discovers that Bee picked up Dee without a problem! Feeling used and betrayed, she tells Bee they should each pick up their own kids from now on. But Bee accuses her of ‘breaking a promise.’ The girls’ friendship is fading, and our protagonist is left wondering if she’s in the wrong. Let’s see what the internet thinks of this situation…
Block her and move on: NTA comment section

Friend breaks promise to pick up child, commenter advises ditching.

Being kind to neighbors doesn’t mean sacrificing safety. NTA

Setting boundaries is important, even if it means cutting people off ?♀?

No more favors for a user. NTA

Friend breaks promise to pregnant mom, commenter calls her out

Friend takes advantage, NTA for not picking up daughter

Friend breaks agreement, commenter says NTA for not picking up.

Friend takes advantage of pregnant woman and gets what’s deserved.

Teaching moment for Daisy: Help people but don’t be abused

Ending a friendship doesn’t make you an a**hole

Friend reneged on deal, pregnant woman not wrong for refusing.

Friend fails to reciprocate help, prioritize your own well-being

NTA, sounds like Bee is a leech. Cut her off. ?♀?

Don’t let a difficult person burn your bridges. NTA

NTA, but Bee’s behavior seems shady

Friend backs out first, NTA stands up for herself

NTA, the deal was one-sided and Bee was a bad friend

Don’t let users take advantage of your kindness . Cut your losses.

Setting boundaries with friends in need

Stand up for yourself! NTA

Find new carpool buddies!

The commenter suggests a psychological disorder for the accused.

NTA. Time for Bee to find someone else to mooch off.

One-sided friendship? Cut the cord

Friend broke the deal, NTA for not picking up daughter

Notify the school to avoid bullying? NTA has a point.

Establishing boundaries with entitled parent – NTA

Choosing to cancel a deal doesn’t make you NTA

Setting boundaries is tough, but necessary.

NTA suggests Bee look into hardship exemption for bus. Good idea!

User accuses Bee of being a user and isolated friend’s daughter

Breaking promises is never okay . NTA for not playing along.

Friendship over, block the user. NTA.

Setting boundaries is important. NTA for standing up for yourself.

Friend refuses to help stranded child, commenter is astounded. NTA.

Friend breaks deal and leaves child behind, commenter says NTA

Setting boundaries with a flaky friend.

NTA calls out a user and contemplates future gratification.

Friend breaks promise, commenter advises to set boundaries. NTA

Cutting out toxic friends? NTA, congrats on the pregnancy!

Agreement not working for Dee, NTA for ending arrangement. ?

Don’t let entitled parents guilt you into doing their job.

Friend broke promise, NTA for walking away from obligation

Neighbor takes advantage of kindness, asks for bigger favors including borrowing money.

Cutting off toxic friends: or ?♀??

Suggests alternative solutions and calls out flaky agreements.

Setting boundaries with entitled parents

Friend accuses pregnant woman of breaking promise to pick up daughter. NTA

Cutting toxic friendships is necessary for self-care

Block the drama! NTA chooses family over entitled friend.

Cut toxic friends out of your life

NTA commenter advises setting boundaries and blocking manipulative people.

Friend takes advantage of pregnant mom, who finally stands up.

Pregnant mama receives support after friend let her down

Setting boundaries is important, don’t let yourself be taken advantage of.

Friend refuses to reciprocate favor, commenter says NTA

Pregnant mom receives support and exercise tips after knee injury

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Diply Social Team