Ever had a bathroom sharing situation that made you want to pull your hair out? Well, buckle up, because this mom’s story about her stepson’s bathroom habits is going to make you feel seen! With two daughters and a stepson, this family’s shared bathroom has become a battleground, and the girls have had enough. The stepson refuses to lift the toilet seat or flush, causing frustration and disgust for everyone else. But when one daughter decides to fight back with a little fake blood, things take a dramatic turn…
Bathroom Sharing Nightmare
No Improvement Despite Constant Reminders
Attention-Seeking Behavior?
A B****y Incident
Stepson’s Traumatizing Discovery
Daughters’ Cleanliness
Daughter’s Breaking Point ?
?♀? Allowing the B****y Revenge?
Stepson’s Laziness or Pest Behavior
Update: Stepson’s Reaction
? Sister’s Stubbornness
Dad’s Call to Nana
?♀? Nana Confirms the Issue
New Cleaning Consequences
Another Bathroom Habit
Wasting Shower Supplies
Shower Bags Solution ?
? ? Mom Lets Daughter Fight Back with Fake Blood
This fed-up mom is at her wit’s end with her stepson’s bathroom habits. He refuses to lift the toilet seat or flush, leaving his sisters and mom to deal with the mess. After countless reminders and discussions, nothing has changed. But when one daughter decides to take matters into her own hands, things get interesting. She covers the bathroom with fake blood, hoping to teach her stepbrother a lesson. The mom, desperate for a solution, allows the b****y revenge to play out. Will this dramatic display finally get through to the stepson? Or will the bathroom wars continue? Let’s see what people think about this situation… ?
Cleaning the bathroom might be a messy brother’s worst nightmare
Sister’s mom-made prank solved brother’s hygiene problem
Teaching responsibility through pranks and chores
Sister embarrasses brother with fake period blood prank
NTA, but brother needs a lesson. Take away his devices until he cleans up
Brother’s sexist behavior deserves bathroom cleaning punishment
Parent commiserates on messy kids, assigns bathroom cleaning as chore.
Parent praises daughter’s prank on messy brother, approves NT behavior
Embarrassment works better than a fake blood prank on a 12-year-old.
Uncle’s creative solution to messy sons, NAH agrees.
Parenting advice or petty revenge? Commenter suggests punishment for pee.
Parenting advice or judgment? Let the comments begin
Hilarious prank, but hope he gets over period stigma someday
Sibling revenge with a golden rule for messy brothers
Teaching boys to clean up after themselves
Dad should use this training tactic for filthy teenage boys
Sister suggests hilarious retaliation for messy brother
Savage parenting technique or too harsh? You decide ?♂?
Suggests better solution than fake blood prank for messy brother
A humorous take on potty training and bad bathroom habits
Creative parenting tips for teaching boys hygiene
Parent’s toilet cleaning punishment for a messy child. NTA
Hilarious yet effective solution to a frustrating problem
A misbehaving kindergartener taught a lesson in cleaning up messes
Brother learns period blood is natural, faces consequences for disrespect
Sister’s clever sign humiliates brother into cleaning up mess. NTA
User suggests teaching brother a lesson by making him clean bathroom
Sibling bathroom wars! NTA suggests supervised cleaning and peeing
Cleanliness tips for stepson, but will he follow them?
Hilarious way to handle the issue NTA
Designate a bathroom just for him and ban others! NTA
Creative solution for a messy brother, involving fake period blood
Did she really forget to flush or is it an excuse?
Sister gets revenge on messy brother with fake blood prank
Satisfying solution to a messy problem!
Taking control of the bathroom or seeking revenge?
A humorous suggestion to deal with a messy brother
Brother gets what he deserves in bathroom prank revenge
Cleaning up a dirty toilet and a family’s bad habits
Breaking toxic masculinity one prank at a time
A fellow aunt offers target practice tips and NTA support
Concerned comment suggests possible serious trauma in messy brother
Confusion over potty training references in teen prank comments
Sibling prank leads to hilariously messy revenge
Normalizing menstruation & consequences for inconsideration. NTA
Mom suggests potty training for brother who can’t clean up
Gendered bathroom etiquette leads to bathroom cleaning duty dispute.
Encouraging boys to sit down to pee – a win for hygiene
A frustrating situation of living with messy brothers.
Training a messy brother like a dog
Not the a**hole for not putting the toilet seat down.
Make him clean bathroom + punishment if he half-a***s it
Parent sets boundaries after fake blood prank on messy son. NAH.
Creative discipline ideas for messy kids.
Suggestion to make brother clean bathroom every time he pees
Sister seeks revenge on messy brother with fake period prank
Strict punishment suggested for fake blood prank on brother
A wife’s creative solution to a husband’s bathroom laziness
Sibling revenge with a toothbrush threat
Clever sister gets revenge on messy brother. NTA.
Brother’s reaction to fake period prank, sister waiting for more
Mom’s clever punishment makes son pee inside the toilet
Parenting advice for a messy and disrespectful son
Living with a 465lbs brother with bad hygiene
Engaging with a messy brother’s behavior. Punishments and therapy suggested.
A cautionary tale on living with inconsiderate siblings
Savage revenge tactics for disrespectful siblings
Sibling hygiene struggles discussed with disgust
Sharing toilets can be tough, but don’t put down your brother. NTA.
Parental responsibility and root cause analysis explained with empathy. NAH.
Accountability questioned in fake blood prank on messy brother
Considerate female friend or intentional period prank?
Sister suggests training toilet for messy brother
Strict parenting or prank war? Discipline vs revenge tactics
NTA suggests taking the brother to the doctor and therapy.
Sister shares revenge story on messy brother, advocates for tough love.
Concerned commenter suggests therapy for traumatized brother’s bathroom habits.
Frustration with messy brothers and potty training compared to dogs
Parenting fail leads to fake blood prank on messy brother
Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Diply Social Team