Buckle up, folks! We’ve got a doozy of a family drama on our hands! Meet our 20-year-old protagonist, a long-suffering sister who’s had enough of her entitled younger brother’s antics. From slurs and sexism to lockdown parties and temper tantrums, this 17-year-old terror has been pushing everyone’s buttons for far too long! But when a simple favor turns into a damaged book and a condescending laugh , our heroine decides it’s time to put her foot down! No more playing chauffeur for the entitled prince! But now, her parents are saying she’s making their lives harder. Is she the a****e for finally standing up to her brother’s bad behavior? Let’s dive in and find out! ?♀?
Buckle up for a wild ride with my entitled bro!

Mr. Popular’s behavior is out of control!

Slurs, sexism, and lockdown parties – oh my!

Caught red-handed but gets off scot-free!

The nightmare continues at home!

Parents turn a blind eye to the tantrums! ?♀?

Chauffeur duty for the entitled prince!

A good deed turns sour!

Bro’s carelessness leads to a damaged book!

A traffic light revelation!

Enough is enough!

No more favors for the entitled bro!

Time for bro to take the bus!

Walk or bike, bro!

Parents say I’m making their lives harder!

Sister’s Stand Against Entitled Bro Causes Family Friction!
Well, well, well! Looks like our protagonist has had enough of her brother’s entitled ways! From the constant slurs and sexism to the wild lockdown parties and temper tantrums, this guy sounds like a real piece of work! But the final straw? When he carelessly tossed her book in the backseat, causing it to get damaged during the drive! Our heroine put her foot down and declared no more favors for the entitled prince! No more chauffeur service , no more picking him up from school – it’s time for him to take the bus or bike like the rest of us peasants! But now, her parents are saying she’s making their lives harder. The internet has some thoughts on this juicy family drama! Let’s see what they have to say about this sibling showdown!
Brother’s entitlement and parents’ enabling – sister seeks advice.

Sister stands up to parents enabling obnoxious teenager. NTA.

Be responsible, don’t enable bad behavior from entitled family members.

Enabling bad behavior won’t help. ?♀?

Sibling calls out bad behavior, recommends communication and consequences.

Avoiding confrontation only enables bad behavior. NTA for setting boundaries.

Respect your sibling’s property and space. NTA ??

Sister stands up to entitled brother. No more free rides!

Being a little extra strict may teach him a lesson.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/74ea16dc-9571-4ab5-830b-166032f83105.png)
Sister stands up against enabling parents’ excuses for brother’s behavior

Sister stands up to parents enabling brother’s a**hole behavior. ?♀?

Standing up to entitled behavior

Curious commenter questions physical book damage, sparks conversation

NTA stands up to entitled parents.

Sister stops enabling parents’ 17-year-old son’s behavior. NTA
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/e48fc5b2-383d-4388-96c1-2493d4bf76ad.png)
Standing up to entitled behavior – book incident was final straw

Sister stands up to entitled brother’s bad behavior

Setting boundaries with family can lead to better relationships

Sibling defends OP against criticism for standing up to parents’ enabling.
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/91bdee67-8479-43e6-801a-dbd8ee419e96.png)
Sibling stands up to entitled brother, calls out enabling parents.

Sibling stands up to entitled brother’s bad behavior

NTA. Tell your parents they created an ingrate. Hide belongings.

NTA calls out enabling parents for their son’s behavior.

Sister stands up to parents enabling entitled brother ?♀?

NTA for standing up to parents enabling brother’s bad behavior

Parents enabling son’s awful behavior, sister stands up for change ?♀?
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/8e65ad04-6abb-4a79-9029-720149667382.png)
Sister stands up to entitled brother, takes time for herself

College may be a r**e awakening for toxic brother ?♀?

Sibling sets boundaries for tyrant brother, NTA for sure

NTA. Parents enabling lazy behavior, brother needs to be self-sufficient

Stand your ground! You’re not making it harder for your parents.

Set boundaries, make rules and treat him like a child.

Unanswered questions make it hard to make a judgement call…

Sibling supports OP’s decision to stop enabling entitled brother.

Sister urges parents to stop enabling brother’s bad behavior.

Blame parents for a**hole brother. Let them face consequences. ?♀?

Parenting responsibility, NTA says older sibling shouldn’t babysit younger ones

Support for standing up to parents and holding brother accountable.

NTA calls out bad parenting and karma

Encouraging response offering support and advice for setting boundaries

NTA stands up to lazy parents enabling awful behavior

Spoiled 17-year-old demands rides, sister says NTA.

Lock your door and hide your keys – not your problem ?♀?

Protect your stuff and stand firm on your no
![Image credit: [deleted] | [deleted]](https://static.diply.com/b364f938-db78-4ee6-8adf-5631e1f7fc66.png)
Discipline is important, but violence is not the answer.

Teaching consequences: NTA sister bans 17yo p***k from her car

Sibling stands up to parents enabling brother’s bad behavior. NTA

Discipline as a child could’ve saved everyone’s sanity now

17-year-old’s entitlement criticized, parents need to take action. ?♀?

Lazy parenting has consequences, NTA for setting boundaries ?♀?

Empathetic commenter relates to frustrating sibling dynamic with advice to leave

Standing up to entitled brother, NTA and setting boundaries

Sibling responsibility vs parental responsibility. Be a role model.

Standing up to parents for enabling brother’s behavior. NTA

Spoiled brat enabled by parents, sister not at fault. ?♀?

Treat him like an adult, not a toddler.

Brother’s bad behavior: NTA says he can walk or stay in.

Standing up for yourself and your sister!

Brother’s bad behavior due to bad parenting. Suggest military school. ?♂?

Questioning if brother has a diagnosis; parents enabling bad behavior.

Sibling stands up to entitled brother’s bad behavior. NTA.

Teen dents book, sister says NTA, needs to learn lesson

Sibling calls out brother’s bad behavior, parents’ enabling. ?♀?

Brother’s behavior will lead to a s****y life. NTA.

Last Updated on May 17, 2024 by Diply Social Team